A Night For U: Reclaiming Our Youth on June 30th from 5-7 pm at No. Studios.
Urban Leaning Collaborative understands the urgency in providing support and professional learning to educators, healthcare professionals, parents, and community members. To meet the need, A Night For U continues with the trauma-sensitive series. Symphony Swan-Sawadi joins ULC to present “Gentle Parenting ain’t for the Weary”
Symphony Swan-Sawadi creates a space for parents to unpack, explore and dive deep into gentle parenting. This session is designed to help parents begin to reframe their thinking about behavior and provide them with tools to support and guide their students both at home and in school environments. Participants will be able to self-evaluation their parenting style and offer themselves self-compassion and grace as they work to become even better versions of themselves.
Sponsored by Advocate Aurora Health
Location Update:
Summit Place, 6737 West Washington Street
Conference Room 2212
West Allis, WI 53214