Thank you for your interest in employment at Urban Learning Collaborative.
At ULC our mission is to invest in urban communities by expanding access to academic, personal, and professional growth opportunities. As an employee of ULC, we are committed to empowering learners to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to embrace lifelong learning, contribute to the common good as responsible citizens, and succeed in the world of work.
Equal Opportunity Employer
ULC is an equal opportunity employer and believes in equal opportunity for all employees and applicants. Accordingly, all employment decisions are based on the principles of equal opportunity. These decisions include recruitment, selection, promotion, transfer, discipline, compensation, benefits, training, and other employment actions involving persons in all job titles and shall occur without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, genetic information, military status, sexual orientation, gender identity, creed, ancestry, marital status, arrest and conviction records, the use or nonuse of lawful products off the employer’s premises during non-work hours, declining to attend meetings or participate in communications about religious or political matters or any other characteristic protected by law.
No individual will be denied nor receive special employment opportunities based on membership status in any protected category. Every employee of ULC is expected to support this equal opportunity and non-discrimination commitment by conducting him/herself in a manner that is consistent with the intent and spirit of this policy.
Any individual who believes he or she has experienced or observed behavior contrary to this policy is expected to report that information to their supervisor or Human Resources. All such reports of action contrary to this policy will be taken seriously and investigated promptly. Individuals found to have violated ULC’s Equal Employment Opportunity Policy will be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination of employment. No individual shall be retaliated against for making a good faith report of behavior contrary to this policy.
Current ULC Openings:
Currently, we do not have any openings.
Milwaukee Environmental Sciences Academy Openings:
Go to to see openings at our charter school.